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3 weeks ago

HIPS & AND OUR LOVE/HATE REALATIONSHIP WITH THEM!! with Emelie 2025-02-1513:30 - 16:00 – Welcome to a physical, emotional, and spiritual journey into the magical land of the hips!Our lower body is our root system, our connection to the earth and our ancestors. It is in this area that we find our sense of inner stability and security. Yet, the complexity of this part of our body often scares us away. Like an unsolvable riddle, we tend to give up on it.As intricate as the hips are, so is our relationship with them. What is clear, however, is that when we neglect to care for them, they can become tense, tight, or too weak—leading to pain and other issues.This beautifully designed area of our body carries a lot of weight and holds the key to much of our energy, flow, and movement. To maintain happy, healthy hips, we need to strike a balance between stability and flexibility.In this workshop, we’ll use various techniques and tools to unlock, mobilize, and strengthen the hips. The goal is to increase your awareness and understanding of this vital area of your body.Leave with a whole new relationship with your hips!Workshop Includes:Simple, practical hip-opening techniques to take homeGuidance on how to support and challenge your hips in common yoga posturesDeep relaxation and connection to the hip region using propsHands-on adjustmentsInvestment: 333:- ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Mattias Forssblad invites you to a Deep, Transformative & Healing Breathwork Journey❃ 440 Kr❃ Comfortable temperature (26° C)This journey is a combination of Meditation, Visualization, Embodyment, with the main part being a longer and deep breathwork journey.The style/technique of breathwork we work with is conscious connected breathing. It takes us on a journey through our consciousness, opening the doors to our subconscious mind where our memories, unresolved emotions, and unconscious patterns are stored. It helps us to release emotional energy from the past that is ”locked” in the body, while higher levels of awareness provide deeper understanding and insight into our thoughts, patterns, and behaviors.Transformational Breathwork also has the potential to elevate us to higher states of consciousness, granting access to the ”superconscious mind,” considered to be the gateway to universal intelligence/god consciousness or, in yogic terms, where the Atman (personal soul/intelligence) meets the Brahman (universal soul/intelligence).Whether you are completely new to breathwork or more experienced, you are warmly welcome to participate. We will create a safe environment and provide a thorough introduction to ensure the best conditions for experiencing the power and potential that breathwork has to offer. Welcome! ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

Spots left!!26&2 TIPS & TRICKS with Amrei (Eng)Sat 2025-01-1809:30 - 12:00 – Beginners & experienced– Extended class format in low heat.– Tips & Tricks with assists.– Refinement of your postures to receive maximum benefits. ===Amrei Marden, owner of Bikram Yoga Sapphire Coast, has been practising 26&2 Bikram Yoga since 2001 and held posture refinement workshops across Europe, America, Asia and Australia since 2009. Amrei’s gift is her ability to see and understand students, their bodies pain points and what might be possible in that moment. Amrei’s experience is matched only by her humility and humour making her class accessible and fun. Amrei enjoys, and is highly experienced, in working with everyone from the complete beginner to world champions. ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

✨Clear away the old and create space for the new. Every breath is an opportunity to begin again.🌟 Rest in a state of gratitude, know that everything you need is already within you.💫 Let your intentions and goals for 2025 guide you gently into the days ahead.Take with you the strength, peace, and balance you’ve cultivated during this past year’s yoga experiences.It’s truly been an honor to share your yoga practice with you. Thank you for being part of Hot Yoga Malmö! ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

23/12-1/131 classesBooking is open ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Mattias Forssblad invites you join a transformative breathwork journey to celebrate and invite the new year, and the new you. The Journey is a combination of guided Meditations, Visualizations And a Deep Breathwork Journey.The style of breathwork we work with is conscious connected breathing. It takes us on a journey through our consciousness, opening the doors to our subconscious mind where our memories, unresolved emotions, and unconscious patterns are stored. We will create a safe environment and provide a thorough introduction to ensure the best conditions for experiencing the power and potential that breathwork has to offer.It helps us to release emotional energy from the past that is ”locked” in the body, while higher levels of awareness provide deeper understanding and insight into our thoughts, patterns, and behaviors.Transformational Breathwork also has the potential to elevate us to higher states of consciousness, granting access to the ”superconscious mind,” considered to be the gateway to universal intelligence/god consciousness or, in yogic terms, where the Atman (personal soul/intelligence) meets the Brahman (universal soul/intelligence).Whether you are completely new to breathwork or more experienced, you are warmly welcome to participate. We will create a safe environment and provide a thorough introduction to ensure the best conditions for experiencing the power and potential that breathwork has to offer.Welcome!Investment: 440 KrComfortable temperature (26° C) ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

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3 months ago

Reiki & YogaGenomgång och balansering av kroppens energicenter (chakran) genom guidad avslappning, mjuka yogaställningar och en längre Savasana med Reiki handpåläggning.Guidad chakra-meditation: Landa i din kropp, lyssna in och få kontakt med dina energicenter.Mantrasång: Använd rösten, skapa helande vibrationer och förstärk kontaken med hals-chakrat.Närvaro: Låt olika tankar, känslor och kroppsliga förnimmelser komma och gå utan att döma dem. Stanna kvar i din inre stillhet med hjälp av djupa andetag.Asanas-rörelser: Med intentionen att balansera kroppens chakra.Reiki-handpåläggningar: Görs under klassens gång och klassen avslutas med en Reiki upplevelse i Savasana.Reiki är en Japansk energimedicin eller healingteknik som främjar djup avslappning, lindrar stress och lägger grund för kroppens förmåga till självläkning. Reiki arbetar samtidigt på det fysiska och det emotionella planet, och löser upp spänningarna och frigör det som en gång orsakat dem.Investering: 333 krMax 16 deltagare ... See MoreSee Less
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3 months ago

Women’s sharing circle– A workshop for women including yoga, meditation, moving, writing, sharing and yummy tea!Are you feeling lonely, lost or a bit overwhelmed with life at the moment? Do you feel like the only time you can relax is when you are completely alone? Many of us spend our time taking care of or looking after everyone around us, forgetting about ourselves. Even if we feel and understand our own need for care and support, we can’t figure out what it would actually look like.When women come together and share their energy, awareness and experiences magic happens! We can remind each other of our strengths and powers, we can validate each other’s needs and feelings and we can build unbreakable bonds that create the security we crave to fully blossom and live from joy.When it feels like the whole world is on our shoulders as individuals, community will heal us.Feel free to bring any precious objects or pretty decorations for our circle.Investment: 333 krLimited to 15 women ... See MoreSee Less
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3 months ago

Winter Wonder World Workshop – Bring yourself home before the year ends! Welcome to a warm, comforting exploration of your inner landscape, where you’ll be guided to retreat deeply and gently reorganize the sacred palace of your body.Stir the pot of your bodily cauldron and loosen up the stuckness and stagnation so characteristic of the cold season. Rediscover profound peace and rest which are naturally offered in the absence of daylight in dusky december.Water the inner gardens and experience your human house as a pleasant container for your being to heal and rejoice.2.5-hour workshop includes:– Guided breathwork with visualization– Easeful warming movements– Soothing supported postures using bolsters, blocks and straps– Yoga Nidra with seed planting (Sankalpa)– Hands-on adjustmentsInvestment: 333 krMaximum 20 participants ... See MoreSee Less
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4 months ago

🍏Invest in your health and wellbeing!– 4 Weeks Self-Care Yoga Boost🍎What are the physical, emotional and mental benefits of a strong dedicated hot yoga practice?– To find out, join this experience with curiosity! 📅When4th of November - 1st of December❓HowOption 1:Everyday (28 classes)Ideal: Take one class per day everydayReality: Take several classes on certain days to cover up for missed daysUpon completion: Yoga bliss + 14 days free yoga cardOption 2:5 classes/week (20 classes)Ideal: Take class 5 days/ weekReality: Take several classes on certain days to cover up for missed daysUpon completion: Yoga bliss + 7 days free yoga cardSign up now!In studio or reception@hotypgamalmo.se ... See MoreSee Less
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4 months ago

🌱❕Yes! Vi söker receptionist❕🌱 Vi söker dig som är kvälls- och helgpigg och vill arbeta som timanställd receptionist på Hot Yoga Malmö.Huvudsysslor är försäljning, in-checkning, städ, bokningar, delegering, arbetsledning, mail och telefonsvar.Du behöver ha sälj- och kundvana, kunna bibehålla ett lugn samt organisera och prioritera när det är mycket som händer samtidigt. Som receptionist gör du ”lite av allt möjligt” i studion. Du arbetar mycket framför datorn med vårt bokningssystem men även direkt mot elever och annan personal. Du behöver ha lätt för att kommunicera i tal och skrift.Vi ser helst att du yogar eller vill yoga i studion.SCHEMA:Vi söker 1 person med start omgående för 1 pass per vecka på fredagar ca 5h, med möjlighet till 2 pass per vecka framöver. Du behöver kunna jobba kring jul och i mellandagarna 2024.Vi vill gärna att du som söker har möjlighet att stanna i minst 1 år.Som anställd på HYM tar du del av alla personalförmåner, som gratis yoga och rabatter i shopen 😃Är du intresserad?-Skicka in din ansökan till linn@hotyogamalmo.seSnabba puckar! Vi avser påbörja rekrytering i takt med att ansökningarna inkommer och tjänsterna kan därför komma att tillsättas innan ansökningstiden gått ut.Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig! 🤸‍♂️😊 ... See MoreSee Less
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4 months ago

HALLOWEEN CLASS (26&2) with Christian02/11 at 17.00-18.00👻👽🎃Come and get spooked doing yoga in your Halloween costume!For the die-hard, the beginner, the enthusiast, your neighbour, your mom, your dad, your kids, the passionate, the retired, and for YOU!Best Costume Prices:1st place: 3 months of yoga (worth SEK 3050)2nd & 3rd place: 1 month of yoga (worth SEK 1300)May the best costumes win!Book as a regular class via the website or the app. ... See MoreSee Less
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4 months ago

🌱❕HYM SÖKER STÄDPERSONAL❕🌱Vi söker dig som är ansvarsfull, noggrann, självständig, glad i yoga och vill jobba 4h i veckan med storstädning på Hot Yoga Malmö.Huvudsysslor är rengöring av lokalen t.ex. duschar, toaletter och andra utrymmen som behöver mer noggrann städning än den dagliga rengöringen.Vi ser gärna att du yogar eller vill yoga i studion.Arbetet omfattar 4h storstädning per vecka. Du lägger delvis själv upp dina arbetstider.Vi söker 1 person med start omgående.Vi vill gärna att du som söker har möjlighet att stanna i minst 1 år.Som anställd på HYM tar du del av alla personalförmåner, som gratis yoga och rabatter i shopen 😃!Välkommen att skicka ansökan till linn@hotyogamalmo.seSnabba puckar! Rekryteringen görs i takt med att ansökningar kommer in och tjänsten kommer tillsättas så snart som möjligt.Vi ser fram emot att höra från dig! 🤸‍♂️😊 ... See MoreSee Less
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5 months ago

20 % off on Clip Cards during the whole month of September.You can buy these cards now and activate later (within 12 months) even if you have a current membership. ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

❃ Sunday 22/9/2024. Kl. 13.00-16.00❃ Hot Yoga Malmö❃ 440 Kr❃ Normal room temperature👁️‍🗨️🌬️🌀This journey is a combination of Meditation, Visualization, Embodyment, with the main part being a longer and deep breathwork journey.The style/technique of breathwork we work with is conscious connected breathing. It takes us on a journey through our consciousness, opening the doors to our subconscious mind where our memories, unresolved emotions, and unconscious patterns are stored. It helps us to release emotional energy from the past that is ”locked” in the body, while higher levels of awareness provide deeper understanding and insight into our thoughts, patterns, and behaviors.Transformational Breathwork also has the potential to elevate us to higher states of consciousness, granting access to the ”superconscious mind,” considered to be the gateway to universal intelligence/god consciousness or, in yogic terms, where the Atman (personal soul/intelligence) meets the Brahman (universal soul/intelligence).Whether you are completely new to breathwork or more experienced, you are warmly welcome to participate. We will create a safe environment and provide a thorough introduction to ensure the best conditions for experiencing the power and potential that breathwork has to offer.Welcome! ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

🧡 Välkommen till en vital, varm och harmonisk höst 🍃🍂 🍁Höstkortet ger fria klasser på ordinarie schema!🍁Köp kortet i bokningsAppen, via hemsidan eller på plats.🍁Kontakta receptionen för att aktivera Höstkortet tidigare. ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

🔥❤️Open House at Hot Yoga Malmö Caroli ❤️🔥👉Sunday 1st of September👉45 minuters free classes in a heated room all day long. 🌸Together, let us continue to build a thriving Hot Yoga community and studio.Invite your curious friends, family and co-workers.🌸Booking opens Sunday 18th of August!Pre-book your spot via Hot Yoga Malmö bookingApp or website. Link in bio! 🔗TIME SCHEDULE:9:00 10:3012:00 13:30 15:00 18:00 19:30 Welcome as you are, beginner or experienced! ... See MoreSee Less
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9 months ago

ABHYANGA AYURVEDIC MASSAGEA rythmic whole-body massage with warm oil - for deep relaxation and rejuvenation.Ayurveda (from Sanskrit āyus ‘life’ + veda ‘knowledge’) is the sister science of yoga and one of the most practiced medical system in South Asia.Abhyanga, meaning Ayurvedic massage, is a main pillar of Ayurvedic treatment.During abhyanga the body is systematically massaged using a generous amount of oil and a relatively light pressure. While the technique comes with many benefits, its main object is to increase oxytocin production and thereby nervous system relaxation.Time: 60 min | Price: 850 krBookimgs: hotyogamalmo.se or use Hot Yoga Mslmö's booking AppTherapist:Elin RydénEducation:Ayurvedic massage therapy (Scandinavian Academy of Ayurveda - 220 hrs) Ayurvedic medicine (California College of Ayurveda - 2000 hrs) ... See MoreSee Less
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9 months ago

REBALANCING MASSAGEAn intensive body awareness experience that releases tensions and frees up your energy.This treatment combines gentle precise strokes, joint release movements, slow deep tissue massage and assisted stretches for improved balance of both body and mind. We work the myo-fascia to help the body’s natural alignment, from feet to head.The intensity is adjusted in an interactive way, making the treatment completely safe and enabling a strong sense of presence. Possible to tailor to individual needs and wishes.Time: 30/60 min | Price: 500/ 800 kr Booking: hotyogamalmo.se or use Hot Yoga Malmö's booking AppTherapist:Anders AhlquistEducation:Certified Osho Bio Dynamic Rebalancing massage therapist. Training by Antar Rasal in Goa, India. ... See MoreSee Less
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9 months ago

REIKIAn energy healing technique for stress reduction and health promotion.Reiki (from Japanese rei ‘universal’ + ki ‘life energy’) is the practice of improving energy flow throughout the body. According to Reiki theory psychological, emotional and physical stress can cause energy flow in the body to stagnate. By using a hands-on healing technique the Reiki practitioner restores energy flow, releasing tension and allowing for repressed feelings to surface and be processed.Time: 60 min | Price: 800 krBooking: hotyogamalmo.se or use Hot Yoga Malmö's booking appTherapist:Nichola OadesEducation:Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki III and Reiki Master, in the style of Usui/Holy Fire Ryoho System. ... See MoreSee Less
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9 months ago

THAI YOGA MASSAGEThai Yoga Massage is an ancient healing art originating from traditional Thai medicine and based on buddhist Metta Karuna meditation (loving kindness and compassion).This therapeutic style of massage combines soft tissue manipulation techniques, acupressure, energy line work, breathing and meditation to move muscles from gripping the bones, dissolve pain, stimulate organs and bring the body into a state of deep relaxation. The practitioner also supports your body through a series of rhythmic, passive stretches using hands, feet, elbows and knees as tools to gently release tension patterns, improve flexibility and restore flow and movement in the body.Time: 90 min | Price: 995 krBooking: hotyogamalmo.se or use Hot Yoga Malmö's booking AppTherapist:Emelie MårtenssonEducation:Thai Yoga Massage certification level 1 with Francisco Morales Bermudez, 2020 online and 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya. ... See MoreSee Less
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9 months ago

YOGA MOBILITY THERAPYA treatment system in which manual therapy and yoga positions are used to assess and relieve pain - an holistic approach to rehabilitation and prevention.🟡YMT rehab: for you that have recently suffered an injury and/or have reoccurring or chronic pain.🟠YMT prehab: a full body assessment of movement patterns to prevent future injuries and optimize mobility.Times & pricing:(more options online)🟡YMT rehab (specific problem) 55 min: 695kr🟠YMT prehab (full body assessment) 90 min: 995krBookinghotyogamalmo.se or use Hot Yoga Malmös booking App. Therapist:Gabrielle AchiniotisEducation: Lic. Physiotherapist, graduated Lunds Uni in physiotherapy Applied yoga mobility therapy certification ... See MoreSee Less
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10 months ago

🍃Sommar på Hot Yoga Malmö1/5-31/8 🐝4 månaderskort (1/5-31/8)3 månaderskort (? -?) 2 månaderskort (? -?) ☀ Du bestämmer startdatum på 2- och 3- månaderskorten (sommarkorten inaktiveras efter den 31/8). 🌸 Om du har ett befintligt kort som går ut efter den 1/5 förlänger vi det med respektive 2, 3 el. 4 månader. Be om hjälp i receptionen.🌳 Du kan köpa korten i appen eller i studion. Vi hjälper dig justera manuellt om du behöver ändra startdatumet på 2- el. 3-månaderskorten efter köp.🔥 Det är lika välgörande att värmeyoga på sommaren och det känns enklare och lättare när temperaturskillnaderna är mindre. ... See MoreSee Less
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11 months ago

Early Bird ChallengeThe secret of the Yogis!Start your day on the yoga mat and discover the great yogic treasures.For many people, the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional effects are best when yoga is practiced early in the morning. Also, you get to keep the great sensations during the course of the whole day, not just going to bed with it.Why?- Mind is calm, day is untainted.- To give you and your day the best starting conditions.- To create a life changing habit.- Enhanced health and well-being, more energy, weight loss, better posture, strength and mobility.- You get a 10 or 15 days free gift card upon completion.How?- Take a total of 10 or 15 classes at 6:45 and/or 9:00.- It is possible to "make up a missed day" by taking two classes on the same day.- Register in the studio or write to reception@hotyogamalmo.se.When?14-28 March.Cost?495 kr or use your regular unlimited membership. ... See MoreSee Less
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